So, How Is It Going?? The Final Factor

Factor 7: What’s your website again?

Maybe you have found your way to us because you are looking to improve your brand communications. If you have made your way here and your offering lacks an online presence (blog, website, etsy, etc) well. . . . . what’s the hold up??

2010 statistics from the U.S. Department of Commerce indicate that 77% of our fellow Americans use the internet.  During this year E-commerce sales averaged 165.4 Billion.  Two years later, we should speculate with confidence (smart phones, I Phone Apps, I Pad’s, on and on) that both of these figures have risin dramatically.

If you are without online communications, you only exist one dimensionally.  With this we mean that your potential is limited. If there were a ten commandments of SME business operations, we suggest that “ Thou must have a well-designed and professional website” would be inscribed in the top five.   

Your online communications can help mediate the potential affects the previous 6 factors have on your operations and success. If you are without e-presence most likely your competition has online communications (have you researched your market??) Therefore, you are loosing brand presence and or business to them. We don’t want that for you!! Votre Mot is here to empower you, your offering, and create messaging and content that connects you with your audience.

Let Us Write Your Success!! The Brand Doctor is Taking Calls!!

A great way to get started on your online communications or professional content is to make an appointment with us for a Votre Mot Brand Check Up. Don’t worry it is pain free and the results only hold opportunity for growth – that starts with you!    

2011-2012 by Votre Mot Professional Communications. All right reserved. No part of this document, blog, and corresponding communications may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Votre Mot Professional Communications. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited by the following: see U.S. Copyright Office. Infringement will be pursued and is punishable within a United States court of law.

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