Marketing more than Rx

Impress Yourself Today!
Summer colds - uhhh! So annoying. What eases the pain and irritation associated with this journey to wellness? Not much, but a little encouragement can go along way when fighting that virus lurking summer crasher.

Who would think this encouragement could come in the form of a little cough drop.  Well at Votre Mot we think Halls "A Pep Talk in Every Drop" campaign is a great demonstration of 'Understanding' your target audience.

Every morning marketers arise to this challenge "How do I manage a consistent and genuine connection with my target audience (and keeping that connection)". Market researchers and consumer psychologist alike, arise to the challenge of examining the thoughts and souls of consumers to support this edge - that every company and organization works so tirelessly to obtain.

The science (yes marketing is a science) behind this simple campaign? Well, Human Behavior 101! Mankind is designed for partnership and companion ship.  The moments when we are alone, or have a feeling of being on our own - we are susceptible to weakness and in fear of failure.

Sometimes you just need to think or know that somebody, somewhere has your back.  Sometimes you want to just feel that they are present in your moment of frustration and despair.  This creates a memory and a frame of reference.

Halls hopes this campaign will allow their brand personality to shine. They are thoughtful, they feel your pain, and this little lozenge is just for you - to help you make it - you can do it.  Right? Although online there are hints of those who didn't appreciate these little messages - we get and actually appreciate this campaign.

Your service or offering may not have been around since the 1930s (image the taste back then), but you too can utilize the same principals to build your enterprise.  Let us help!

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