Introducing . . . VMPG Research

You may have noticed an interesting addition to Votre Mot’s offering you.  Our Research division was born this year but is fueled by educated and experienced research professionals. Most SME’s assume the benefits of consumer based and marketplace research to benefit the Fortune 500s, Fortune 1000s, - everyone but themselves.  

This year we’re working to change this mindset primarily because – it’s not true! From picking the brains of customers and employees, to gaining insight from loyal customers to consumers that have yet to patronize your business/organizational offering, a little research can go a long way for your efforts to plan or define ‘who’ and what you are all about.

Most exciting is that you play an important role in making this happen. VMPG will begin conducting open research. Stay tuned for chance to “make your opinion count” and possibly when great prizes – all for your ever so valuable opinion.