Tis the season for a rebrand??

This Fall, we are planning to bring in 2013 with some significant changes and additions in how we service you. We make it our mission to be your partner in building your business offering. It is only fair that we also expect ourselves to evolve – and it’s all to benefit you!

Although we are doing a little self-improvement, we haven’t stopped helping SMEs improve as well.  A new aspect of our offering (unveiling with the new site) has us excited to do more supporting start-ups such as our work with a great brand-to-be (not even born!). We are a proud partner in their efforts to enter a new mar ket and innovate a great offering.

What’s around the corner also assists us in further supporting existing SMEs. Take our 20 year-old (young adult!) business whom we’ve just completed a communications package following a VM Brand Check-up. Is their business good? Yes – but they want to keep things going in the right direction. We are their partner in a long term rebranding project designed to support their competitive edge, and stimulate their growth..

So, all this branding and rebranding activity has us thinking about the great effort that is ReBranding. Thinking about your business or brand? Have you branded (no, its not just for Fortune 500s)!!!? Do you need to ReBrand your offering? Here are a few things any business offering should consider when pondering this journey.
  • Is it time?
Preparing for change is important in rebranding. Not just a change in product, service, or operations – you should also be prepared to change mindset and perspectives. In moving forward, maybe some things can’t be as they have been. Maybe a little backtracking is necessary to define and strengthen your structure.
The important thing about preparing for change is to accept that change is inevitable and the extent will vary with regards to your planning and strategy. Your market and competition will continue to evolve – sometimes changes are necessary to catch up, keep up or stay head. Or, as well like to sa - Make changes, or let changes happen to you!
  • The Mission is . . . . . .
Just as organizations eagerly communicate their mission and purpose, we believe every business should share and communicate a mission as well.  Not only is it good for you to have an overall business mission, but your rebranding efforts must also be focus driven.
 Maybe you need to rebrand your offering to tackle a problem, face a challenge, or make some much needed improvements. A great plan starts with a well-defined intent.  
  • Deep Thoughts
Take a second and reflect. Or maybe we should say self-reflect! A little internal investigation goes a long way in navigating a constructive rebranding journey. How can you create productive change without asking those that count (experts, shareholders, employees, and consumers)? It is important to ask the right questions to get answers with value.
Are people satisfied inside and out? (How do you figure that out?) Are you pricing right? (How do you determine this?) Will you be guided to improve the existing? (How do you determine that?) Will it become evident that there is need to create what didn’t previously exist? (What is the best way to start?)
  • Hmmm, what’s going on over there?
It’s also important to investigate your competition (yes you have plenty!). Taking a look on the inside should be followed by taking a look on the outside. This is not always easy for a business owner or organizational leader to do – but! – it is a necessary evil. Although it would be convenient to think so . . you are not alone in what you offer!
The size and depth of your market will vary according to your product or service. This is an opportunity to see what your customers and shareholders see. Getting to know your competition is the only way to achieve a competitive advantage that increases your ROI.

  • Oh yea, can't forget about them
What about your customers? Yes customer feedback is invaluable to your self-reflection (as touched). However it is important to take a look at your target market (do you know who they are?) and closely examine your customer base (do you have one?). They’ve gotten you to this point and they are your ultimate brand ambassadors.
Do you want more money, better customer loyalty, and a feeling of sustainability with regards to what you are offering??? If so, your customer base should play a leading role in your efforts to revitalize.
  • Zeroing in 
Certainly engaging your base will detail insight into your offering. Yes, 1-5 all relate to your offering. A focus on your offering should include an existing product or service profile. How is the product/service quality?
A focus on your offering will also involve an examination of how what you offer is distributed or administered. Do your operations support their performance? Are you distributing/administering through the best channels?
  • Houston, we need a solution
Do problems have you considering a Rebranding journey? Problems are only bad if they aren’t worked. There are no easy solutions to problems that may have prompted a rebranding process. The true complication of business problems are that there will often be more than one potential path for solutions in moving forward. Which is best?
What solution will facilitate a most progressive outcome?  No matter the nature of the problem(s), defining and communicating their presence and impact is important to a productive rebranding plan and strategy. Thinking about what’s wrong, taking a look at what’s right, and envision where you want your brand to be.
  • Take 2 . . . . . . . ACTION!!
You can plan to rebrand, but you must enact a strategy to bring planning to life. Without an action plan all of your effort to prepare a successful rebranding will be just that – sprawling sections of black ink on a vast sheet of white 8x10. Will your plans, translate into action items, that when carried out bring you progress?
Who has what role? Where is the dialogue, who is it amongst? Are your employees ready to support change, are your partners ready to manage, will you be ready to lead the revitalization of your existing brand?
  • Excuse me, can I get your attention?
All a brand will be is what a consumer perceives it to be. You may not control if someone commits to a buy or decides to develop a relationship with what you offer. Where do you have control?? You have control of your brand, your product, your service, and how you offer it to your favorite people! All you are is what you (and your offering) communicate yourself to be.
Every aspect of planning, strategizing, and coordinating further defines your brand and also details aspects of change and revitalization that need to be expressed to those who are most important.  How will you connect with customers and communicate the improved you?

* * *  Stay tuned to A World of Words for more information
on great changes ahead! So, how would you grade JCPenneys
effort to rebrand themselves? Tell us what you think by
taking our poll.  

Minor DC/AM

2012 by Votre Mot Professional Communications & Research. All right reserved. No part of this document, blog, and corresponding communications may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Votre Mot Professional Communications. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited by the following: see U.S. Copyright Office. Infringement will be pursued and is punishable within a United States court of law.

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